Your beneficiary is the person who you want to receive your pension death benefit. Under pension legislation:
Ellement or the UNITE HERE Pension Plan does not verify or assumes any responsibility for the validity of your beneficiary designation(s).
Note: If you name someone under the age of 18 to be your pension beneficiary, you must also name an adult trustee to receive payment on behalf of the under aged pension beneficiary.
Please contact Ellement for the applicable form(s) to make any necessary updates to your beneficiary designation, your marital status or family situation, if changes should occur. You must make these changes in writing on the applicable form(s).
Some members have pension benefits under a prior defined benefit component of this Plan. This prior plan was in effect until December 31st, 1987. If you terminated your Plan membership...
Your normal retirement date under the Plan is the first day of the month coinciding with or immediately following your 65th birthday. You may retire early any time after you have reached age 55...